
Friday, April 5, 2013

{Weekend Rahma #1} Clean Laundry

بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارَّحْمَنِ ارَّحِيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

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Weekend Rahma:

Islam has emphasized the importance of the family unit, and has laid down its governing rules and regulations in great detail in the Qu’ran and in the Sunnah. The family unit is the foundation of societies and the mainframe of civility.

So I introduce to you "Weekend Rahma" - little acts of mercy and charity to make life shine. Bi-monthly on Friday  I will be sharing an idea or inspiration. A small act of love, service or hospitality to honor the people we love.  It's the small gestures that channel our affection and gratitude more than our words ever could, isn't it?

 When a flower blooms, its colour and scent first touch the garden near it, and then spread. In the same way, a Muslim ’s acts of human mercy, charity and kindness should first touch those nearest to him, his family and his neighbours.

This week's "Weekend Rahma" we'll start out with something small and simple.

One of my goals as a wife and homemaker is to make our home a welcoming place for my husband to come home to. I do not always get this right...there have been many times that he has walked into the middle of one of my never ending "projects" and was not happy about it. But for the most part, I try my best to prepare our home for his leaving and homecoming so that he looks forward to coming home after a long day of work.

And one of those simplest ways to honor the man in your life is having clean laundry ready and assessible.

– Doing the laundry is a chore I don't look forward to. Dirty clothes, folding clothes, ironing, putting away clothes. Maybe it stems from days when I used to handwash everything. But now using a machine it still seems to be drudgery work. Maybe it's because it's never ending. Maybe because laundry is one of those things that can get out of hand quickly and there really is no place to go but getting it done and over with.

But let's face no matter how I hate doing the laundry ... clean socks, clean t-shirts, and clean under garments folded & put away is simple service that keeps the man happy. So I make dua and do my best to make sure the hubs has accessible clean clothes!

I keep it simple. I put a basket out, easily assessible which can hold all the essentials he'll need for each. I fold the clothes and lay out the smaller items like shoes, belt and tie also. Sometimes, these are accompanied by some chocolate when I know he had a rough day.

Quite simple, I know.No tips or tricks. But these simple gestures have a lot of meaning. Just this one little thing to make getting dressed for work easy. So try it out and let me know how it goes.

I'd love it if you'd join me each twice a month in intentionally honoring our families with one small and simple gesture. Each "Weekend Rahma", there will be a different , but it will always be an accessible, inexpensive and a cinch to do!

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1 comment:

  1. Love the theme mashaa Allah !

    For this week it's easy I actually enjoy doing laundry LOL


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